27 Truths About Your First RV

May 30, 2017

27 Truths About Your First RV


So, you’re thinking about buying your first RV. As a smart shopper, you’re probably weighing several factors as you narrow your search. We get it; there’s a lot of information out there and a wide spectrum of RVs to choose from. So, we thought we’d offer some assurances, things you can be confident about in your first RV.

Your first RV will…

Bring you closer together with your travel companions.

Inspire new family traditions.

Make your furry friends love you even more—dogs and cats can come along!

Give you a new appreciation for intelligently designed spaces.

Probably not be your last—you’ll want to be an RVer for the rest of your life.

Provide a kind of travel freedom you’ve never experienced before.

Help you realize that an RV’s frame is just as important as a house’s foundation.

Teach you how to pack efficiently.

Remind you that it’s actually kind of nice when your phone says “no service”.

Introduce you to a truly wonderful group of people and the special camaraderie RVers share.

Give you a new appreciation for the time you spend together with friends and family.

Allow you to go places you’ve never been before.

Make you a legendary storyteller.

Help you learn what features you can’t live without.

Remind you that the journey can be as enjoyable as the destination.

Make you appreciate when your clothes smell like a campfire.

Awaken your spontaneous side.

Perfect your marshmallow roasting skills.

Give you the chance to break in those new hiking boots.

Save you the cost and hassle of booking hotel rooms, flights and rental cars.

Make anywhere feel like home.

Make you want to attend an RV show just for fun.

Give you a knack for creating playlists.

Help you become an “I spy” champion.

Help you live in the moment.

Let you see the stars more often.

Hopefully be a Jayco…and if it is, we can’t wait to welcome you to the family.

Start by visiting one of our friendly and knowledgeable dealers. You can find your nearest one here.

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