What is my RV Worth? Here Are 5 Ways to Find Out

April 15, 2021

What is my RV Worth? Here Are 5 Ways to Find Out

If you’re thinking of selling or trading in your RV, the first question on your mind is likely, “How much is it worth?” There isn’t one easy answer—like cars and houses, lots of things factor into the worth of your RV. But there are some good places to start:

1. NADA RV Value website

This resource gives ranges for RV sale prices based on manufacturer, model and model year. You can even put in floorplan features that will factor into the final estimate.

2. RVTrader.com

Just as you might look at comps to decide what price to list your house for sale, it’s a good idea to get a feel for the market by looking at pricing for other RVs similar to yours. RV Trader is a leading resale site that can give you valuable insight. Again, make sure you keep in mind the model, manufacturer, year and condition of the RVs you’re looking at to ensure they’re comparable.

3. Marketplaces like eBay, Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist

In addition to RV-specific marketplaces, you can also checkout general marketplaces that feature RV categories—like eBay, Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. These sites, paired with your research from RV marketplaces, should give you a well-rounded view of the market.

4. Professional appraisal companies

Professional appraisers can give an unbiased appraisal for your RV—taking an up-close look at the condition and features. This can be a good option for higher-end RVs or RVs with special features or retrofits that might not have many online comps.

5. Your local dealer

Like an appraiser, your local RV dealer might be the best person from whom to get an expert opinion on the worth of your RV. Unlike an appraiser, they won’t charge you for their insights. As a bonus, if you decide to trade in or sell right there on the spot, it’s the easiest route to take. Ask your dealer about your options—some offer options like consignment (where they sell your RV for you and take a commission) in addition to trade-ins and sales.

No matter which resources you use to determine the worth of your RV, keep in mind that values can vary greatly based on several factors:

  • Manufacturer, model and age. Some brands and models hold their value much better than others. Keep that in mind for any future purchases as well!
  • How you sell it. Selling your RV yourself might yield you a higher price, but you’ll also pay in time and money to market and show it, which can sometimes negate any price advantages.
  • This is an obvious one, but again, can relate back to the manufacturer and model. That’s why quality and good warranties matter.
  • Location and time of year. Don’t forget that when and where you sell your RV can affect the price. So make sure you’re comparing RVs within your general area for an accurate gauge of the market. And as a general rule of thumb, RV values are at their highest before peak camping season in the spring and early summer.

While you’re at your RV value research, it doesn’t hurt to check out what’s new and exciting—and daydream about your next one!    

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